MOBIUS’ Circulation-Courier Committee 2020-2021: A Year in Review and a Look Ahead.

While the world reeled through a global pandemic in 2020, work still moved forward (much of it from home) and the Circulation-Courier committee is no different. We all worked through Issues related to shutting down borrowing and lending; we learned more than we could ever imagine related to issues pertaining to the quarantining of materials; we networked with our peers to learn what they were going through; many libraries introduced curbside delivery service; we proposed a modification to the INN-Reach audio-book loan rule; as our courier presence grew in Iowa! And finally, least we forget those wonderful, green, and sticky adhesive labels? 2020 was many things, but it was never dull. Looking ahead, we’ll talk about policies, procedures, and issues important to MOBIUS.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Cindy Cotner (and Steve Strohl)
Presenter Employer: 
University of Missouri Libraries
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Head, Access Services & Chair, Circulation-Courier Committee
Submitter Email: 
Presentation Type: 
Traditional Presentation