When Libraries and Writing Centers Collaborate

The development of the embed program is the result of a 2017 survey distributed to graduate faculty and students to better understand faculty and student needs regarding research and writing support. The results of the survey indicated that faculty's greatest concern was writing and student's greatest concern was research. Library and Writing Center staff began meeting with graduate faculty to determine how we might best address concerns of both graduate faculty and students. It was at this point the development of the joint embed program began. The program is not only based on collaboration between reference librarians and writing consultants, but also building strong connections with faculty. Embedded librarians and writing consultants involvement in a course is driven by faculty need. In some courses librarians and writing consultants are introduced to students as their 'goto' support resources for the semester and that is it. However, in other courses librarians and writing consultants may develop workshops, tutorials, assignments, discussion threads, etc. Success of the program has been measured by distributing post-assessment surveys to students and faculty at the close of each semester. Survey data has supported positive outcomes for the embed program and has led to a partnership with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness to measure academic impacts of the embed program.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Liz MacDonald, Sue Edele
Presenter Employer: 
Lindenwood University
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Dean, Library Services and Director Writing Center
Submitter Email: 
Presentation Type: 
Traditional Presentation