Considerations for Going "Fine-Free" at an Academic Library

Many public libraries have gone this route, but have academic libraries followed suit? Questions I would offer to the roundtable discussion would be:

If you have gone fine-free, what has worked well? What hasn’t gone well? What are key factors/implementations to keep in mind? What would be the hiccups of going fine-free? What is the desired outcome of going fine-free? Benefits? How do you differentiate between removing fines, but retaining bills/charges? If you have implemented it, have your patrons been confused about the differentiation between fines and bills? Did you go fine-free for everything or did you keep overdue fines for high-use, short-term loans, like technology items? How did/do you promote/market being fine-free or did/do you just quietly change it?

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Lisa Young
Presenter Employer: 
Library Services, Lindenwood University
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Director, Access Services
Submitter Email: 
Presentation Type: 