VIMM: Vital Implementation and MissouriHub Mentors

Last June, MOBIUS received a Missouri State Library grant to assist in implementation of Vital, Innovative's digitization content management system, for 20+ libraries that committed to using the platform. While having a software platform is a fantastic first step, it takes a lot more than that to create and maintain long-lived digital collections.
To help gain familiarity with digitization standards and best practices and navigate this new workflow, the Missouri State Library grant also supported a mentoring program for new MOBIUS digitizers. Staff of MissouriHub institutions (libraries that contribute content to the Digital Public Library of America) and the new Vital users group watched a series of webinars together and met monthly for one on one discussions and Q+A. They also identified top priorities for future collaborative digitization projects. MOBIUS Digitization Committee Chair Emily Jaycox, who is also the administrative contact for MissouriHub, will give an overview of the project thus far and a look at next steps.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
Emily Jaycox
Presenter Employer: 
Missouri Historical Society
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Submitter Email: 
Presentation Type: 
Traditional Presentation