Using Open Source Technology to Create Interactive Tutorials

Finding ways for libraries to reach students was difficult enough when they were on campus, with the increase in online only students it has become that much harder. Worksheets and videos can help, but don't engage students with active learning techniques and don't have a way to assess student learning. Using H5P, an open source interactive technology built on HTML5, libraries can build tutorials and games to engage students with interactive videos, branching scenarios based on user choices, interactive slides, virtual tours, built in quizzes, and more. With these tools we can embed library instruction in the LMS, on the library's website, or anywhere our students may be.

Presenter Info: 
Presenter Name: 
John LaDue
Presenter Employer: 
Three Rivers College
Presenter Email: 
Presenter Job Title: 
Director, Library Services
Submitter Email: 
Presentation Type: 
Traditional Presentation